Ny lov og forskrift om register over reelle rettighetshavere

October 4, 2021

Norske selskaper og andre juridiske personer får plikt til å utarbeide et internt register over sine reelle rettighetshavere, det vil si de fysiske personene som står bak enheten. Senere vil det bli krav om registrering i Brønnøysund. 

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Loven som ble vedtatt i februar 2019 har ikke trådt i kraft i påvente av tilhørende forskrift. Den 21. juni 2021 ble forskriften vedtatt, og deler av loven og deler av forskriften trer i kraft allerede 1. november 2021. 

Loven og forskriften skal bidra til at allmennheten, offentlige myndigheter og rapporteringspliktige etter hvitvaskingsloven får bedre tilgang på informasjon om eierskap og kontroll over norske selskaper og andre juridiske personer. Åpenhet om selskaper og andre juridiske konstruksjoner skal bidra til at de ikke kan misbrukes for ulovlige formål. Et tiltak er åpenhet om de fysiske personene som står bak juridiske konstruksjoner, kalt “reelle rettighetshavere”. 


Registreringspliktige, det vil si juridiske personer, enheter og andre sammenslutninger, samt forvaltere av utenlandske juridiske arrangementer skal innhente og lagre opplysninger om sine reelle rettighetshavere. Opplysningene skal registreres i et register som skal opprettes i Brønnøysund. Registeret skal være tilgjengelig for alle. Forskriften presiserer hvilke juridiske personer, enheter og andre sammenslutninger og forvaltere av utenlandske juridiske arrangementer som pålegges plikter. Det gjøres visse unntak, blant annet for børsnoterte foretak. Verdipapirfond opprettet i samsvar med verdipapirfondloven har unntak fra lov om register over reelle rettighetshavere. 

Fra 1. november må de registreringspliktige identifisere sine reelle rettighetshavere og innhente opplysninger om disse fysiske personene. Opplysningene omfatter navn, fødselsnummer eller D-nummer, bostedsland og statsborgerskap. Fremgangsmåten for å identifisere den enkelte reelle rettighetshaver må dokumenteres, herunder hvorfor og på hvilket grunnlag personen er å anse som reell rettighetshaver. Opplysningene må holdes oppdatert og lagres internt hos den registreringspliktige. De reelle rettighetshaverne og andre relevante enheter har opplysningsplikt til den registreringspliktige. 

Registeret i Brønnøysund er foreløpig ikke etablert og kravet til registrering i offentlig register trer ikke i kraft nå. Det er ikke kjent når det vil skje. 

En reell rettighetshaver er en fysisk person som oppfyller ett eller flere av følgende kriterier: 

  • Eier mer enn 25 prosent av eierandelene i den registreringspliktige. 
  • Direkte eller indirekte kan stemme for mer enn 25 prosent av stemmerettighetene i den registreringspliktige, i tilfeller der fordelingen av stemmerettigheter avviker fra eierandelene. 
  • Direkte eller indirekte kan utpeke eller avsette mer enn halvparten av den juridiske personens eller sammenslutningens styremedlemmer eller tilsvarende. 
  • På annen måte enn angitt i punktene over utøver kontroll over den registreringspliktige. 


En fysisk person har indirekte kontroll når vedkommende direkte eller gjennom andre juridiske personer, enheter, sammenslutninger eller arrangementer, har rett til å stemme for halvparten eller mer av stemmerettighetene, eller utpeke eller avsette halvparten eller mer av styremedlemmene eller tilsvarende, i juridiske personer, enheter, sammenslutninger eller arrangementer som alene eller til sammen innehar nevnte posisjoner i registreringspliktig. Forskriften gir utfyllende regler om hva som må dokumenteres. 

Ta gjerne kontakt med oss vedrørende disse nye reglene. Vi kan bistå med implementeringen. 


Marianne Normann (mn@permian.no /+47 416 92662) eller Susanne Berge Hansen (sbh@permian.no / 975 21 191) 

February 14, 2025
This post contains some key information for the periodic reporting under the Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector (the “SFDR”). The periodic report is a mandatory report for all article 8 and article 9 funds under the SFDR.
February 11, 2025
At Permian, we understand that the complexities of modern investment environments demand robust advisory support, meticulous risk management, and unwavering commitment to compliance. Our specialized services ensure that fund managers and investment companies can navigate these challenges with confidence and focus on achieving their strategic goals.
January 30, 2025
Permian, Telemos Capital (“Telemos”) , and Highvern are pleased to announce the signing of binding agreements to combine Permian and Highvern to create a leading international funds and private capital services provider. Existing shareholders to re-invest alongside both senior management teams. Together the businesses already operate in 7 jurisdictions with close to 300 employees and plan for further accelerated organic growth as a result of the new combination itself, alongside further expansion into new strategically important markets. Telemos, backed by the Jacobs family, will ensure the new group has the financial support to continue investing in its service offerings, people and technology in order to meet clients’ evolving needs. Already leaders in their respective markets, the Permian and Highvern brands are long-established and have built strong reputations for service quality and the strength of their client relationships. These will remain central to the group’s future values and strategy. Philippe Jacobs, Chairman and Founder of Telemos, and Johan Pettersson, Head of Business Services commented “We are excited to be able to bring these two first rate businesses together and are grateful to both management teams for their trust by choosing us as their partner. By leveraging our sector expertise and international network, we look forward to supporting the management teams with their plans to create a next generation, customer-centric, international funds and private capital services provider.” Marianne Normann, CEO at Permian added that “Following Telemos’ investment in Permian last year this announcement is an early demonstration of the benefits of working alongside forwardthinking partners. Together with Highvern, we are excited to expand our reach and serve our clients in new geographical markets. The combined group will be differentiated in the market by its high-quality service offering enabled by technology, allowing us to grow alongside our clients”. “Family capital is the ideal source of growth funding for an ambitious and respected business like ours” said Martin Hall, CEO at Highvern. “We have got to know the Telemos team closely over the last few years and can be confident that we will continue to serve our clients with the same focus on quality while accelerating our fund administration and private capital service lines in this new combination.” Subject to regulatory approvals the transaction is expected to close by mid-2025. Media contacts
December 9, 2024
We are excited to announce that Permian Business Partner has been named a Gazelle Company for 2024 by Dagens Næringsliv. This recognition is based on meeting several criteria, including achieving profitability and doubling our turnover over the past four years.  Being included on the Gazelle list is an acknowledgment of our growth and the consistent efforts of our team. We are proud of this achievement and deeply appreciate the trust and support of our clients and partners, who have been vital to our progress.
November 19, 2024
At Permian, our Fund Administration team works behind the scenes to ensure seamless operations for our clients. By managing the backbone of fund operations, we enable fund managers to focus on what they do best. Our team delivers a comprehensive suite of services, including investor and FSA reporting, liquidity management and forecasting where investor calls and distributions are important tasks, investor onboarding where we offer a fully outsourced KYC solution, handling of subscription forms for underlying investments, and coordinating with external advisors when there are several parties involved. In short, we take care of the details so our clients can stay focused on their priorities.
October 22, 2024
On 13 June 2024, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union signed the Artificial Intelligence Act ( Regulation (EU) 2024/1689 ) (the “AI Act”). The AI Act provides developers and deployers of AI with obligations regarding the use of AI. The law will apply in EU from 2 August 2026 and work is underway to facilitate rapid implementation in Norway.
October 15, 2024
At Permian Sweden, everything begins with exceptional fund accounting! We’re proud to have a dedicated team of 20 fund accountants who bring a wide range of expertise, experience, and a strong commitment to delivering an accurate and precise product. Their work is essential in managing our fund accounting and payroll processes, ensuring that we meet the highest standards of accuracy and compliance. We’ve seen firsthand how fundamental accounting missteps can disrupt operations, leading to errors in investor reporting, inaccurate IRR and waterfall calculations, and mistakes in investor payments. At Permian Sweden, we are committed to avoiding these pitfalls by building a strong foundation of precision and accountability in all aspects of our work.
October 11, 2024
The Digital Operational Resilience Act ( Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 ) , aims to address the increasing reliance on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the financial sector and its associated risks. The regulation will apply as of 17 January 2025 in the EU and is expected to be adopted in Norway where timeline is unclear. AIFMs and other affected financial entities should start their preparations.
October 9, 2024
Permian is excited to announce a series of well-deserved promotions within its Fund Accounting and Fund Administration teams. These advancements not only reflect the remarkable individual achievements of our team members but also underscore Permian’s ongoing commitment to growth, excellence, and innovation in the fund administration sector. The following colleagues are recognized for their well-earned promotions:
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